Join us for the reception of’ ‘FEELERS: Towards Reciprocal Sensing at TetraPod Gallery on Saturday, September 24 @ 6-10pm. FEELERS is part of the 2022 Fulcrum Festival: Deep Ocean/Deep Space.
Featured Artists:
Berfin Ataman, Paige Emery, Andy Graydon, Byron Kim, Maya Livio, Laure Michelon, Shuruq Tramontini, Elly Stormer Vadseth
Satellite installation by Paige Emery at Mt. Wilson Observatory.
Through video, painting, kinetic sculpture, site-specific installation, VR, and film, the exhibition FEELERS proposes an expanded sensoria, complicating our understanding of feeling, sensing, and knowing. Affirming a plurality of sense-making, the exhibited artworks adopt deliberate and exploratory methods that reorient humans in relation to more-than-human beings, complicate notions of intelligence, and re-introduce perspectives outside of our own. In doing so, they generate new possibilities for respecting and connecting with multispecies understandings.