Facilitated by Isabel Beavers, CLIMATE CHAMBER (CC) is a mini & virtual hackathon convening artists, scientists, technologists, designers and other creatives to ignite new collaborative projects that address climate through technology and art. Climate chambers can be used to simulate the conditions of an unknown environment in order to test and experiment. In our CLIMATE CHAMBER (CC), participants test new collaborative arrangements to inspire radical use of technology and art in the face of climate change.
Cross-disciplinary teams will ideate and design new, remote, collaborative projects that imagine-art-and-tech based solutions to climate challenges while testing remote processes of teamwork. This participatory social experiment embodies the processes of art-sci collaboration utilized by the artists in Re-Fest’s Artificial Ecologies thread, curated by Isabel Beavers. It aims to break open existing modes of teamwork and, in this fracture, formulate various small resistances. The winning team, to be announced on May 31st, will receive a $150 honorarium and a feature in UCLA ArtSci PARTICLES, an online series of short interviews. This hackathon is a part of Re-Fest LA 2020, taking place entirely online. Click here to view the full schedule and line-up of Re-Fest. Please click the button below to register for the hackathon. Co-sponsored by UCLA Art | Sci Center + Lab Saturday, May 30th, 2020 11am-6pm PDT”